Friday, January 17, 2014

3D Software Uses for Non-Users

Hi,  I hope everyone is enjoying there January and getting ready to go back to school, or if your already at school I hope it is going well for you, and if your at a job i hope that is going well for you as well!

If your a Non-User to 3D software I would like to offer my advice on how you can use this to help better your life and also make your creative mind come to life.

If your working at a job and you are wanting to work up the corporate ladder having other skills besides the ones you currently have, could benefit you in going up that ladder.

When your boss says to the team members that they are looking into branding there company to the internet to get more exposure and to increase more revenue.  You could say that i have the skills to make a really killer website design and logo to help with exactly that problem
  With software like Maya or Blender or 3ds Max or Goolge Sketch up, you can create those types of logos and or images that your job is exactly looking for.

In this way you can help your team and company with there problem and help yourself in getting recognized in going above and beyond your job and hopefully in getting a pay raise or promotion for your job.

If your a student that is working lets say a job at a cash register on campus and they are looking for making there food stand or student store get more revenue.  They can say they really need someone to make flyers to help with promoting there products and or services they provide.  You could be that student that learns  that 3D software like Maya and or Blender and use Photoshop another software to create those banners to help with getting your job more revenue.  

In turn this will get your job more money and more people to visit your store or stand, and help you get more sales and more money in your pocket.

Learning 3D software is something everyone should look into, as a way to better one's job and get recognized as a creative, and talented person.

I would give some insight in learning 3D software and will put some links to places where you can check it out more.

Everyone have a great evening,


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